創作新表演 探索新場域 開發新途徑 連結新觀眾 原型樂園,當代表演團體。由劇場背景導演、製作人、文字工作者等,共同斜槓組成。 認同社會參與藝術(socially engaged art)。引介或創造新型態的「真實」展演計畫,鼓動藝術創作者與非藝術背景者協作,讓互動沁入彼此的生活並發酵作用。 舉辦過的活動,無論工作坊或展演事件,大都發生在日常公共空間,例如:夜市、垃圾車收垃圾的街邊、機車行、客家社區浣衣池、傳統市場等。 曾邀請合作展演的素人對象包括:清潔隊員、美術館總務組員工、 與機車有特殊連結的常民、公園警衛、社區阿嬤及孩童、青少年學童、諮商師算命師、市場攤商等。 成員長期在強調公眾性、社會性的脈絡下思考,期許以藝術行動探索社會,在交流中促成新理解、新關係。 相關報導
Prototype ParadisePrototype Paradise (PP) is a collective of theatre and performance practitioners based in Taiwan. PP either introduces or creates unconventional performance to explore the interrelation between art and the everyday life. PP likes to work in the real daily scenarios to initiate real dialogues among people from all walks of life. Most productions have been made in public places including but not limited to a night market, scooter repair shops, alongside garbage-collecting trucks, and next to a clothes-washing pond. The non-art collaborators PP has invited as performers include city sanitation workers, staff of Department of General Affairs in a fine art museum, people having special connection with scooters, fortunate tellers, career counselors, teenage pupils, etc.. With innovative intervention in the daily scenarios, PP enables its participants/audience to see the world differently. |