「 幻想成真所 」是由毓繡美術館發起的館校藝術計畫,邀請社區鄰居平林國小合作,原型樂園構思內容和執行。兩位工作者Yoyo、志雅,以及美術館教育推廣專員建甫,在113學年的上學期,以大約三個月時間,定期在毓繡美術館的工作室中,與平林國小五六年級學童進行數次藝術工作坊。 小朋友們在工作坊初始,許下「想要讀心術」的願望,開啟了「幻想成真所」的研究和探索過程。這個過程開放又多樣化:根據小朋友的想法和建議,藝術家邀請職業分別為魔術師、乩童、心理諮商的三位讀心術達人,和學童面對面互動;也規劃具備「讀心」原理的遊戲,讓小朋友從玩中學,練習推測他人,同時也覺察自己。 尋找讀心術的「練功」過程中,專家達人誠懇的分享、小朋友們直率的反應和回饋,都扮演了重要的角色,讓計畫得以一步步推展實踐的方向和方法,向讀心術更邁進一步,其中也包括2024年12月7日舉行的階段性成果發表會。 名為《讀心術情報員招募說明會》的成果發表會,是一個讓學童和觀眾得以自在交流的集體聚會。生動有趣的互動遊戲引起觀眾熱烈迴響,讓無論是家長親友或美術館貴賓的觀眾們,當日都一起輕鬆同樂。孩子們展現自我的同時,美術館、學校、社區,三方的連結再次強化。 如何去更接近生活中其實近在咫尺的讀心術?如何讀懂別人之前先讀懂自己?「幻想成真所」讓大人和孩童一起以遊戲之名,行研究和探索之實,尋找讓幻想成真的途徑。 |
Initiated by the Yu-hsiu Museum of Art, the Wishcraft Lab is a museum-school art project in collaboration with the Pinglin Elementary School located in the Museum’s neighborhood. Artists from Prototype Prototype along with the museum’s Education and Outreach Officer worked with fifth and sixth grade students in a series of art workshops.
At the start of the workshops, the children voted for a collective wish, “I would like to be able to read people’s minds,” and thus began the research and exploration process of the Wishcraft Lab. Based on the children’s ideas, the artists invited three “mind-reading experts” to be interviewed by the children. They are a magician, a psychic, and a psychological counselor. In addition, games related the principles of mind-reading skills were designed to help the children learn through playing, practice empathy, and become more aware of themselves. The entire implementation method of Wishcraft Lab is built upon each session accumulating the students' reactions. This process culminated in a public presentation held at the Yu-hsiu Museum of Art on December 7, 2024. The public presentation, titled Public Recruitment Briefing for Mind-Reading Agents, created a space for students and the audience to interact comfortably. Through interesting competitive games, students’ family members and museum guests enjoyed the experience together in an enthusiastic atmosphere. As the children showcased their newfound abilities, the bond between the museum, the school, and the community residents was once again strengthened. |